Movie producers take advantage from torrenters

The internet has provided people with so much stuff that most of which, I am pretty sure we never even imagined. Gone were the days that people have to get in line to movie houses or rent damaged movies from movie rental shops. Now, we can simply go online and look for the movie we want to watch from a torrent site and download it. After a few minutes or a few hours depending on how fast your internet connection is and how much seeders the movie has, you’d get to have your movie, keep it, watch it whenever, wherever and how many time you want.

However, things aren’t that great in the real world. Downloading of movies from the internet is illegal in most parts of the world. It is a form of piracy because movie producers as well as the other who made these movies possible do not get anything from these downloaders and yet they get to be entertained by them.
IP addresses of the people who have illegally downloaded movies can be tracked and from there be arrested because internet movie piracy is punishable by law. The issue on this though is that most of the illegal downloaders caught are teenagers who doubtingly know how serious of crime it is to download movies and how much they can be fined for this which could be a lot assuming how easy it is to download movies.

Due to the possibility of getting money from this, movie producers especially the small time ones seem to have seen a very good way to earn money that is way bigger than what their movies could possibly give them and this is where the morale of this process starts to be questioned. It is no longer justice that this movie producers are asking but they are using the law right then and there to generate income from fines that teenagers pay.

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